February 1, 2014

Do you want to hear about adults with Down syndrome? Listen here!

Do you want to learn a parent's perspective, or a sister's perspective on adulthood and Down syndrome? Five adults from 18 - 54 are represented in this podcast from The Road We've Shared.

The Road We've Shared is a new online Community for families with adults with Down syndrome. We share our present and hope to help others learn more about their future. This is the first in a series of monthly blog radio shows that will be held to share information, tips and successes as we work to navigate through adulthood. We cover employment, SSI/SSDI, Guardianship and many other experiences.

The following Moms and sister participated in the call. Please like their facebook pages as well as The Road We've Shared if you want to learn more about the bright future all our children have!

Me - Gary - The Ordinary Life of An Extraordinary Girl
Madra - Madra Sikora
Karen - Just Joshin' Ya
Stephanie - Walkersvillemom
Marianne - Joeys' Ups with Downs

This was the first time I was able to discuss Alex's future with four other families all from different states and all with different futures. It was a thoughtful and meaningful conversation and you should listen!

FYI - it is 2 hours long, but goes very fast, especially if you are multi-tasking!

Check Out Parents Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Health and Design Today on BlogTalkRadio

1 comment:

Thanks for your note, we love hearing from you!