November 23, 2012

The pied piper!

Little kids love Alex. All little people under the age of six will clamor all over her and demand attention. We have seen this for years, and is one of the reasons Alex is so successful when she works at the childcare facility at Snowmass Mountain.

I know I could come up with lots and lots of reasons for Alex's popularity with little kids, as well as why she is attracted to the toddler set. The list would go on and on, but at the base of it all is filters. Kids have no preconceived ideas of what people with down syndrome can and can not do. Little ones are drawn to kindness and attention. And Alex knows this.

This Thanksgiving we visited with my sister's family in Louisville. Mary Beth has three older kids, and a wonderful recent addition, who is now 2 1/2. It was love at first sight!


  1. Glad you arrived safely! Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. So cute! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks Cindy - I hope you all had a great holiday!


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