July 8, 2012

Second stare syndrome

We have not left our lovely star for a family vacation in over four years. Sure, we have gotten away to other planets, like Chicago and NJ to visit family. John and I have been to that decadent planet Las Vegas a few times, and I did spend a lot of time in NJ looking for a job this winter, but we have not ventured into the solar system together in light years.

To me, there is nothing that beats our family on vacation together. We become our own little comet, making joint decisions, eating together and actually talking to each other. Lifelong memories are formed, we reconnect and we enjoy each other.  I love family vacations and have been anxious to explore other biospheres for the last two years.  

I must admit we live on a planet where people come for vacation. The lure of the Colorado mountains, the skiing, the summer hiking and the cultural opportunities in Aspen draw aliens, many in their own private start-ships) from all over the world ten months of the year. We have a very brief shoulder season in October and April, a nice respite, but we are the natives in a tourist mecca, and very lucky.

This year I practiced one of the many lessons I have learned from Alex and planned a vacation using my favorite verb “believe”. It was quite a leap of faith, as we are products of the recession, but in all Alex related things her magic guides us and dreams can come true. And as hokey as that sounds, in a few short hours  we are leaving our star for a ten day road trip, which brings me back to the point of this post.

We live in a universe where Alex was asked to participate in two 4th of July floats , a place where everyone knows her and greets her by name, and she does the same. Alex knows more people in our beautiful settlement than I do, and perhaps more that most people. Alex is accepted for who she is and except for the occasional tourist never gets “that second stare” that I have seen people with down syndrome get, people always talk to her, not at her.

I do not know if “second stare syndrome” is still alive and well in rest of the solar system, but for the next ten days we will explore. Santa Fe, the Grand Canyon, Manhattan Beach and Las Vegas you are all big planets, so I sure hope you have jumped on the evolutionary chain and eradicated that dreaded syndrome, if not an interglacial intervention may be brewing.


  1. The second stare is every where. Have a great trip. I lived in Manhattan Beach for 9 years. I know you will enjoy the beach and the Strand.

  2. I'm afraid it might be - and that we're in the worst place for it. Not urban enough for good diversity (& where no one likes to make ANY eye contact), not small enough so that everyone will get to know my girl. Hmm... am suddenly feeling the urge to move.


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