In honor
of Down syndrome awareness month I will be publishing excerpts from “From Grief
to Celebration, How One Family Learned to Embrace the Gift of Down Syndrome”
for 12 days. Each day features a different verb/chapter and at the end of the
month we will give-away three copies of the book, signed by Alex.
wrote, "From
Grief to Celebration, How One Family Learned to Embrace the Gift of Down
Syndrome" to share this story of love, life, magic and down
syndrome. Our critically acclaimed book details our journey through ten verbs
beginning with grief, ending with plan and incorporating one bonus verb,
celebrate. I hope this can be a resource to help others embrace,
understand and learn. The book is available through this blog ($12.50)
on-line booksellers ($13.99) and kindle (reduced to $3.99 during October).
Verb 4 – Promote
subsequently became involved with NADS as a volunteer. John and I were support
parents and were called upon to visit new families with babies with Down
syndrome in our area. We visited parents at home, in the hospital and talked to
others on the phone. We shared our experience, but recognized many of these
parents were grieving. I became one of those parents who had told me everything
would be fine.
We had
drunk the magic potion, incorporated Down syndrome into our lives and graduated
to promoting it.
listened and answered questions, and knew we could help but not solve, just as
our own experience had shown. It was an incredible feeling to help these young
families, just as others helped us. We really learned what it means to pay it
forward. I try to do this every day of my life.
I also
became a mentor to an adult with Down syndrome, and I still stay in touch with
Cindy by e-mail. She lives in a supervised apartment with two other disabled
adults and works at her local grocery store. She also participates in the
Special Olympics and is a huge supporter of Alex and her accomplishments. Cindy
opened my eyes to her extraordinary life, which is full of friends and
To read more please enter our give-away:
These are only two requirements to be entered in the drawing - and Alex will pick the winner!
1. Please like "The Ordinary Life of an Extraordinary
Girl" on facebook (link on the sidebar), or
2. Follow this blog, on networked blogs (also on sidebar)
Of course, you will need to tell me you did this, either as a comment or by e-mail .
2. Follow this blog, on networked blogs (also on sidebar)
Of course, you will need to tell me you did this, either as a comment or by e-mail .
Book give-away: Include
Book give-away: Understand
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